Archive for June, 2010

Fitness Check In: Week Six

Slip-ups:  Washington DC has a lot of dangerous places to eat.  Still, we did pretty well considering.  Yes, I had a Five Guys burger and fries.  Yes, I ate copious amounts of carbs and even some sweets.  What really did me in though, was the cake I made for a friend’s party last Thursday.  One day’s diet consisted literally of Chobani, Oreo Cream filling, chips, cake, and vegetables.  I felt GROSS.

Eating Habits: Not good.

Exercise: Happily, we managed to stay fairly active in DC to counteract the negative affects of bad food.  I met my challenge of two runs but forgot the resistance bands and did little strength.  I also had swim class again this week, along with my weekly workout with Sunny (so sore) and the run from hell from yesterday.  I’m planning a slow, short recovery run today to help my body work out some of the kinks and keep me moving.

Weight: 164.  Straight up.  This means I lost half a pound, which, given my terrible eating habits this week, I think is entirely fair.  Still, I’m back from vacation, back on my game, and ready to see bigger losses.

Challenge: This week my focus will be on not just staying within my calorie goals, but also eating calories that are really worthwhile.  The whole point of this is not just to say I ate a certain number of calories, but to really honestly say that the food I’m putting into my body is worth it.

Guys, I have 19 pounds to go to my estimated goal weight.  That’s crazy go nuts awesome.  It feels doable!

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Exhibit A

After getting my ass handed to me on what should have been a lovely, refreshing 5.5 mile run this morning, I have come to the realization that I am in no way ready for the 10k I’m supposed to run on July 4th.  I knew you guys wouldn’t believe me, so I’ve taken it upon myself to give you photographic evidence.  Pull out your smelling salts.

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Ode to an Ogre

Father’s Day has come and gone and I failed to blog about it.  Still, I wanted to pay tribute to the three most important fathers in my world and also to the most present future father of my own children.  Mr. Cookie may not be a dad yet, but I know that when some day he is, he is going to have enormous shoes to fill.  He will, I have absolute faith, fill them exceptionally.

Nobody is perfect.  I sure know I’m not.  But for all his flaws, I think I made out pretty lucky in my match.  I don’t always give him enough credit.  So, today because I’m in a great mood and because he’s been exceptionally nice (even though I called him at work and sent him multiple emails when I know he’s really busy and doesn’t have the time to deal with my shenanigans), I’m writing to tell you a little bit about what makes my husband wonderful.  But to do that, I have to tell you a little bit about the other men in my life.

Grandpa–  My grandpa was a great man.  He came from a family of 19 kids.  He was a self-starter who was always seeking to improve himself.  I remember when I was little, I went with him once to a swim class.  He’d never learned how to swim as a kid but had always wanted to know.  So, in the autumn of his life he decided to learn.  That set a huge impression for me.  I always knew somewhere in the back of my head that that was special.  This was an “old dog” who was very interested in learning new tricks.  He always had the latest technology.  He was obsessive about staying current with the latest movies, computers, news.  Everything was a teachable moment.  He used to play piano for me and then tell me about how, when he was little, his mom didn’t have time to teach him how to play (shocking, with 18 kids!) but she would let him sit and watch her in the evenings.  This is how he learned.

Mr. Cookie shares that same quality.  Once he decides to learn about something, nothing is going to stop him from doing it.  It’s funny, but we’ve come full circle.  Mr. Cookie and I never took formal swimming lessons as children so when he asked if I wanted to learn a couple months ago, I was very excited.  We’re taking lessons and while it’s challenging, he is applying himself with much gusto.  Just like Grandpa.  He loves to keep active physically and mentally, something that I have no doubt will last right up until the end of a long, fulfilling life.

Pepere- Pip was not a man of many words.  He would sit in the corner and observe, occasionally making softly uttered, wry comments under the buzzing of women around him.  This quiet is clearly not what Mr. Cookie shares in common with him.  However, he was an observer of the world around him.  He was a lover of life and deep thinking.  I used to love going down to the park with him.  He always had a big bag of bird seed in the trunk of his old boat of a car and we would sit and feed the squirrels who all knew him and would come right up to us.  Once there was quiet and solitude, he would open up.  I could ask him anything and he would talk.  I learned a great deal about philosophy and introspection from him on these field trips.  He would listen to my views and then with a slow nod and a quick “yep” he would chime in, never straight up disagreeing but often showing me a new perspective.

Mr. Cookie is more aggressive, but the same sentiment is there. Countless times he has pushed me to look at the other sides of an issue, even if he agrees with what I’m saying.  He is always pushing himself and those around him to consider every angle before forming an opinion and I love this about him.  I know that when we have kids, he’ll do the same thing with them.  He’s not going to settle for children who just agree with everything we believe.  Our kids are going to be stronger, more independent thinkers because of this.

Daddy- Oh, my daddy.  Humor.  Adaptability.  Sociability.  They say you marry your father.  I don’t think that’s entirely true, but I think that Mr. Cookie shares a lot of my dad’s best qualities.  We used to joke that Dad could go into a store and by the time he left, the clerk would know his life story.  He is so congenial and outgoing.  He also loves to laugh and make others laugh.  I used to love when we had company over as a little girl because I knew there would be great conversation and I would hear good stories.  Of course, as you get older (and hear the same stories on repeat) you start to roll your eyes and mentally check out but the thing is, those stories are (usually) new to the  person hearing them.  I have no doubt there will be eye-rolling moments for our kids, and that’s okay.  They’ll get past it and back to the point where they adore their dad for the quirks.  Dad is also great at adapting to new situations.  He’s a chameleon, really.  I’m sure 20 years in the Air Force helped with this but I love to see how fluidly he moves through all the changes thrown his way.  I know that regardless, Dad is always going to end up okay because he’s so good at handling change.

Mr. Cookie shares all of these qualities.  He always rolls his eyes when I hatch a new plan to invite as many people over as I can.  It’s really not entirely for me that I do this.  More often than not, I wind up in the kitchen cooking when we have a lot of people over.  If we go to someone else’s house, I immediately find an excuse to help out in the kitchen to get away from awkward socializing.  But you better believe I’m in the kitchen listening to him tell his stories.  I might be rolling my eyes, but I’m also laughing at the same time.  He’s so much better at socializing than I am.  I’m awkward and say stupid things and look and feel the whole time like I’m an impostor when we are with people I don’t know very well.  Not Mr. Cookie. He shines.

I love all the daddies that have impacted my development.  Most of all, I love them because they set such strong examples for me of what I ought to look for in a husband.  I am incredibly blessed by the strong men I’ve shared my life with.  So, to all the dads and to the one very special future dad, an incredible amount of love and thanks for a belated Father’s Day and all future Father’s Days.

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Fitness Check in: Week Five

This is coming a little early this week since Mr. Cookie and I will be in DC this weekend (for his swearing in to the Supreme Court Bar!)

Slip-ups:  Overall, I did very well this week.  Yesterday, being the  last day of school, I went to the teacher after school party and drank a TON of booze (think:  one bottle of Prosecco, two Jello shots).  Then, I took several hours to sober up, drank tons of water, had a chicken sausage, went home, met Mr. Cookie downtown, and ran the Lawyers Have Heart 5k.  And my doubting co-workers said I couldn’t do it!

Eating Habits: There were too many days where I felt like I was getting too many of certain things (carbs) and not enough of others (protein).  I’m finding that in eating out, you can almost always find healthier dishes that have carby bases but not as much protein.  Fail.  Overall, I’m happy though.

Exercise: There were a couple great runs and then the 5k yesterday. We also started swim class!!

Weight: 164.5.  Pardon me while I throw myself a little party.  This officially means that I have lost more than 9 pounds since I started.  It also means I have fewer than 20 pounds to go to my estimated goal.

Challenge: All right.  I’m creating a new section in light of our vacation.  My friend just went on vacation and she told everyone she planned on exercising a certain number of times while on vacation so she would feel held accountable.  I’m going to do the same thing.  Mr. Cookie has planned a couple great runs for us and during at least one of those runs (probably the one on the Mall) I want to end it by doing some strength exercises.  That reminds me- I need to pack the resistance bands.

Have a great weekend, all!

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Some define the word diet as a negative thing:  something we do when our pants are getting too snug.  Something we quit when our pants stop being snug or it doesn’t work.  Something we do again when the pants inevitably get snug again.  When I was in undergrad, the health and fitness adviser put it a way that makes a lot more sense to me.  I had gone to him to consult on my plan for losing weight.  I wanted to make sure I was doing it healthfully and he reassured me that I was but he also gave me some very good advice.

He told me that those people who see a “diet” as a temporary thing will never be successful.  We are all on a diet.  Some of us are on the junk food diet.  Some of us are on the health nut diet.  Some of us are on a vegetarian diet.  You get the idea.  You can’t view a diet as a temporary fix.  You have to find a diet that works for you and stay with it even when you’ve reached your goals.  Diet is lifestyle.

That’s why, this time around, I’m really committing myself to eating in a way that I’ll be happy to maintain when I’ve lost all the weight I need to lose.  I can honestly say that I enjoy the food I’m eating.  I don’t feel deprived.  I’ve had some slip ups but they have not been hugely detrimental.  I’m eating a lot less junk and putting food into my belly that really fulfills me.

Through my fitness check up posts you’ve caught a glimpse of what my diet is like.  For those of you who have asked for a more detailed description of what it is I’m trying to do, this is for you:

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Fitness Check Up: Week Four

Slip-ups:  This week’s downfall was not so much a ton of slip-ups as it was having two or three days where I just ate TOO MUCH.  Granted, on Monday I had a piece of cake at work but that was, once again, within my calories.  On Wednesday, we had Field Day and as I result I ate cookout food.  My body was probably shocked by the refined carbs.  Again, within my calories for the day, but eating crap.  I did have two heavy calorie days:  Friday we went out for a fancy dinner together and while the portions were small and the food seemed relatively greaseless, we had a few courses plus plenty of alcohol.  Yesterday was also somewhat heavy, because it was a work day for the theater and of course they had their usual snacks that I had trouble resisting.  I think I also ate too much this week because (as evidenced by the blog) I was in a slump.

Eating Habits: Mostly okay but I feel off the no refined carbs wagon and ate too much.  The good news was that I didn’t feel good and am not really tempted to keep doing this.

Exercise: Other than a typically active lifestyle, I got in little exercise.  I had a great workout on Thursday with Sunny and I had fun on Field Day running hurdles and doing other things with the kids.  I got out on a run with Mr. Cookie at the beginning of the week.  Beyond that, I walked a lot.  I’m surprised by how little time was actually spent sitting around.

Weight: 166.8.  No difference from last week.  This is pretty disappointing, but I was also bracing myself for something way worse.  So, while I’m sad that I didn’t go down at all, I’m happy I didn’t undo all of my hard work with one bad week.  Expect to see a much better number next week!!

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Sometimes, you have to put on a pretty dress.

Sometimes, you have to take out the hairdryer and actually do something decent with your hair.

Sometimes, you have to put some concealer on that zit that came from nowhere and then cover that with some foundation.

Sometimes, you have to put on makeup.

Sometimes, you have to hear your husband come home and say “hey!  You look pretty!”

You have to push down the urge to be irritated that he sounds surprised because you know it’s really been awhile since you’ve done anything nice to yourself.

Sometimes, you have to plan a fun night out.

And sometimes, you have to just let all the bullshit go and smile.

Then, in the name of solidarity, you just have to have that last glass of sparkling wine while your husband downs his last drink and stumble home together, conquering the rocks of Porter on the way.

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Today, I found out I have professional status.  In MA, tenure is not used (for the record, I totally agree with that decision).  So, generally, if a teacher receives professional status from their district, it just means they have worked there for at least three years and they’ve proven themselves.  It also means that if there are layoffs, they won’t be the first ones on the chopping block.  It’s exciting.

On the flip side, I’m ready for this year to be over.  Don’t get me wrong.  I still adore my job.  But the last few weeks of kids acting out, cheating, and not doing any work have taken their toll.  I’m that rare middle school teacher who likes to keep the kids busy up until the end.  Granted, I do ease up a little.  Now that the kids have finished their final research papers of the term, we are taking the last couple of days next week to play word related board games (Balderdash, Bananagrams, Scrabble, Boggle…).  A lot of teachers seem to just be showing movies for the rest of the time.  Even so, I realize that everyone has their own style and I would never call a teacher out on it because it simply isn’t my way of doing things.  Even if it does make it harder for me to maintain order because the kids all come in saying “oh, you mean we’re not watching a movie?  Why not???”  It’s not my place.

However, today, I was up to my neck dealing with kids who copied and pasted their research papers from the internet.  Now, we had spent weeks in class just practicing paraphrasing.  I lost count of the number of conversations we had about plagiarism.  It wasn’t even as though they had a sentence here and there.  It was articles copied word for word with the font all changed to be uniform.  All three kids admitted to it immediately and when asked by the Assistant Principal why they did it they admitted it was because they didn’t feel like doing the work.  Not because they didn’t know it was wrong.  Not because they didn’t understand the assignment.  Because they were lazy (as one kid wholeheartedly admitted before we called his mom).

So, I mention this at lunch because, you know.  I’m frustrated.  And disapppointed.  And I’ve just spent a full period when I could have been grading talking to parents and kids about how they will be getting 0’s on the assignment and will likely fail my class for the term.  And this other teacher comes out with “Awww, come on.  It’s the end of school.  Can’t you just cut them some slack?  Couldn’t you have just let it slide, turned a blind eye and pretended they didn’t do it?”  And then, when I respond that no, I can’t, because it’s a matter of ETHICS and they knew what they were doing wrong and if they’re not caught on it now they’ll keep doing it, this teacher responded “well, maybe they just didn’t know they were supposed to put it in their own words.” After that I got another teacher to vouch for how much time we had spent teaching them about plagiarism and paraphrasing and citations.  She muttered something about it being the end of the year again.

I didn’t say anything.  I just stopped talking and shoved another carrot in my mouth.  And then another one.  And I didn’t say another word for the rest of lunch.  I couldn’t.  I was too hurt.  I know I’m taking this personally.  I know that this person’s opinion is probably the minority.  But it really bothers me.  I have never said a word about her style.  I’ve especially never called her out on something she was clearly upset about.  In front of our colleagues.

Ugg.  Guys, I’m totally sorry.  My next post won’t be such a downer.  There have been some bright spots this week.  Running hurdles with my kids on Field Day.  Having a killer workout with Sunny yesterday.  Hanging out with the very cool people working on the show I’m stage managing.  Planning a date with Mr. Cookie tonight.  Having a great conversation with my sister earlier in the week.  Making plans with Mr. Cookie about the things we will do when we have kids.  Friends that call to check in.  This.  Knowing that next week is a half week and then it’s summer.

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I’m just warning you off the bat that this post is full of negativity and frustration and maybe some swearing.  It’s your choice if you want to keep reading or not.

Mr. Cookie and I went in yesterday to have our metabolisms tested.  I don’t think I should have done it.  The knowledge I now have has only added to the growing frustration and dislike with my body.  It just doesn’t do what I want it to do.  It won’t go faster.  It won’t function well on fewer than 9 hours of sleep.  It hates losing weight and I have to be excessively strict to get it to do that. I’ve also been plagued with fears lately that it won’t even conceive right (not that I have to worry about that if I can’t drop 20 pounds).

The whole purpose for doing the test was to see if we’re getting the right amount of calories.  Turns out, Mr. Cookie’s metabolism is ridiculously fast and might explain why he often has irrepressible urges to cram tons of food in his face.  Apparently, people with fast metabolisms need more food.  He should get getting, on an average day, about 3000 calories.  I, on the other hand, should be getting just over 1,000.

So, basically, to lose weight and keep it coming off, I’m supposed to either eat less (yuck) or work out more (double yuck).  I also have to really track very fastidiously all that I’m eating and how much I’m exercising (super triple quadruple quintuple yuck).  I know that what I’ve been doing has been working, but a jump in the scale today and the knowledge that in the past I’ve had very significant plateaus after several successful weeks of weight loss that lead me to give up make me feel like it’s hopeless.

I just don’t get it.  I’m so angry and I want to throw myself and the ground and scream “it’s not fair!” like I might have as a small child.  I also don’t understand how, if my body is such a piece of shit (I like to compare it to the Apple IIGS we used to have with sad graphics and games that all consisted of using the arrow keys), I was totally able to maintain a great weight until I hit 20.  What happened to me that I just suddenly forgot how to eat well for my body?

Mr. Cookie says he will help me with this, but somehow the thought of him eating three times as much as me does nothing to reassure me.  I am irrational and emotional and convinced that I’m always going to be a lard ass.  So there.  Thank you if you read this far and please don’t think I’m about to jump off any bridges or anything.  I’m sure these feelings will pass.  I hope.

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The Shark

Its prey lingers ahead of it, slowing down foolishly, unaware.  He wavers a moment, looks back.  He is oblivious to the fact that it is watching him, waiting for its moment.  A smile curls the corners of his lips:  he is just a man out for some morning exercise.  Surely there is no threat of sharks today.  His partner labors behind him, trying to catch up.  She crests a hill and begins the descent.  He speeds up again.  It has missed this opportunity.  It won’t be so foolish next time.  “Stay with me!”  She calls out but he makes a comment about finishing in great time.  Perhaps he is aware of its designs, and her treachery in helping it.  He must know the waters are not safe today.  They never are.  Even at his speediest, there are always moments.  The shark is always hungry.  Its mouth is starting to flex now, jawing in practice for the tasty meal.  Jaggedy, mean teeth that look strangely like fingers are flashed, but he does not see it.  Could this be its moment?  She speeds up.  The mouth is now going wildly then fixes in a tight grin, ready.  Dunuh.  Dunuh.  Dunuh dunuh dunuh dunuh! *CHOMP* The menacing jaw comes down around…air.  “Oh come on!  Just slow down already!”  She calls.  “Missed me!”  He teases. She speeds up on him again.  Stealth shark.  No theme music.  Just as she’s behind him the threatening music begins again, faster, more frantic.  Finger like jaws clench down on the raw meat of his hide and he shrieks, realizing he has fallen prey yet again.  The shark will always win.

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